Tuesday 10 February 2009

Do You Know Blood Alliance? What’s that?

Blood Piru Knowledge - All You Must Know about Blood Piru...

The Blood is an alliance of individual street organizations known as ‘sets’ or ’hoods’, originated in Los Angeles, California. Each Blood set their own gang and are known to have line-ups which are like smaller individual sets within the set. The members in gangs under the Blood Alliance are known as Bloods or Damus.

A street gang may be defined as a group of people who form an allegiance for a common purpose, who engage in criminal activity, and who conform to one or more of the following traits. They are also the group of persons having informal and close relations.

1 comment:

RenegadeMorganBoys said...

31 Original Blood Family Laws

1) Original Blood family in

2) Beginning of Original blood Family for 31 sekonds

3) Put in by nation....

4) No rapist in the original blood family

5) Original Blood Family law will stay

6) No snitching on the Original Blood Family

7) No fighting amongs original blood family and Almighty Piru Bloods

8) Respekt your original blood family and Almighty Piru Bloods never deny them

9) Slash out all ¢'s in kites

10) Put " Rip og Tye" 3 teardrops in every kite

11) Wear all flags on the left side

12) Know about the Original Blood family

13) Never speak original blood family with outsiders

14) Never let Original Blood Family be disrespected

15) Never put something on paper that kan be used by the law

16) Always assist the original blood family in need

17) Never speak down on our nation

18) Learn about law (if you kan)

19) Never give your original blood family up to anyone

20) Never say anything over the phone that can b used by the laws

21) Never give codes to outsiders

22) Keep you codes up to part

23) Keep your mind up to part

24) No chilling with the enemy

25) No Meth users

26) The original blood family will have sets

27) Bring the fight to whoever disrespects the original blood family

28) No faking in the Original Blood Family

29) No disrespecting Og Tye

30) No wearing blue

31) Chill on every 31st of the month